

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Haystack Rock


This is Haystack Rock. I got a chance to visit it this week. It's big. If you squint real hard you can see little figures next to it. That's people, teeny tiny people. I know it's hard to see them. It's because they are small. And the rock is big. Very big. It's 235 feet tall and it sits just beyond the Coastal Mountain range on Cannon Beach in Oregon. It's massive. It's the 3rd largest intertidal structure (meaning reached by land) in the world (thanks Wikepedia).

The rock is massive and it's hard to see that from these photos. As we approached I continued to snap pictures hoping to catch the size of the rock on film. It was nearly impossible to do. But here's a photo I like because as we walked (and walked and walked and walked) I noticed the reflection in the pool of water that had collected on the beach. To say Haystack Rock is massive is quite an understatement. I mean it is just a rock. But it's HUGE is it just a rock?


I was pleasantly surprised as we approached Haystack. It was colorful
and textured
and interesting
and ALIVE.
Turns out this big ol dead rock was full of live creatures!

Starfish, Sea Slugs, Mussels, Hermit Crabs and Sea Anemones all live here and as a Midwest-corn-field-rural-small town girl this was fascinating for me!
We walked on rocks.
Jumped tide pools.
Dipped our toes in the water.
Caused Sea Anemones to quake.
Photographed creatures and marveled at it all.
At it all.
At a rock.

I was told I was lucky to have been able to approach Haystack Rock and all it's needles (the smaller, surrounding rock formations) that day. Apparently the tide is usually high most of the day and you have to marvel at the rock from a distance. From a distance it looks like a big rock. It's only up close that you see the detail and beauty.

Truth be told, I had no idea what I was driving to see. Diane said "Wanna see Oregon's most famous rock?" "Ummm, sure" I shrugged.

Good thing I didn't base my decision on my knowledge of landscapes.
I would have missed it's glorious size.

"There it is! Wanna walk the beach to get to it?"
"Umm, sure!"
Good thing I didn't trust my eyes as to what I beauty I would witness if I hadn't approached Haystack.
I would have missed it's wonder.

"Wanna come look in this tide pool? It has creatures!"
"Sure!" I said.
Good thing the water was pulled back so I could see what lives below the sea.
Good thing because in my head I would have missed this whole opportunity.
A rock.
A beach.
A tide.
Good thing I didn't make a decision based on what I know....or can judge...or can see.... or even on what I can't see.
How many times in life do we judge too quickly?
Rely on our sight solely? or
refuse to time our approach so that we can take advantage of that small crack in time when the waters are rolled back and the beauty beneath is revealed?

I pet a starfish. And tickled a sea anemone.
My feet splashed in the ocean and sand buffed my heels.

It was a glorious place that Monday afternoon.
That grey Oregon day.
At that rock.

Good thing I didn't miss it.
Good thing.

Haystack's got a lot going on under the surface. Just like life.Don't judge me based on my above land presence. There is so much more to me, to life. And if you wait. If you're lucky you'll get a glimpse. If you hang around you'll catch a quick reveal below the surface and see a life that is unique and interesting and rough and colorful and old and new and ....alive. That is if you're willing to look beyond the rock, up close and under the surface.