

Monday, January 10, 2011

Exercise 6, 7 & 8

I have totally stalled on this Memior book.
It got me off and running and this Exercise 7 (which I previously written about) has totally caused me to run out of gas.
So I picked the book back up today have decided to move quickly through exercies 6, 7 and 8.

6 Time line
7 Time line pt 2 (uh....NO!)
8 Idea Notebook - I already have this is a form. I def. use my Blackberry and it's little memo pad for all the stuff I want to jot down quickly.
9. New Leaf - Apparently E. Hemmingway's wife packed up all E's first works and took them with her on a train ride. She lost the luggage somewhere on that trip. Mr. Hemmingway is reported to have saying that that was the best thing to have hapened to him. Bill Roorbach says I too, should pack up everything I've ever written thus far, have a ceremony, and lose it. Pack it up. Put it away.
uh....NO! not gonna do that either.
I totally can't find Christmas presents because I hide them so good. I am in no way going to put away what very little things I have already accumulated in written form. Are you kidding me? This is a terrible idea. I'll put it somewhere safe and never find it again.

Let's move on....